Lessons about the war with Ukraine to be introduced in Russian schools

Wednesday, 20 April 2022, 15:59


From 1 September, propagandist lessons will be held in Russian schools, to explain the "goals and objectives" of the Russian war against Ukraine to children.

Source: Russian media "Interfax" linking to "Russia is a Country of Opportunities", a statement made by the head of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Sergei Kravtsov during a meeting of the president of the RF Vladimir Putin with members of the Supervisory Board of ANO

Verbatim: "We are really doing this kind of work and have intensified it since the beginning of the "special operation," just because our children have been bombarded by a barrage of unbelievable misinformation and fake news about our country. We are working to organise such lessons from 1 September."

Details: Kravtsov noted that Russian schoolchildren are already being told that Russia attacked Ukraine allegedly to help "their people" and to carry out "the de-Nazification and demilitarisation of Donbas". 
