Russian forces shell Zhytomyr: a residential building destroyed, factory hit

Tuesday, 8 March 2022, 20:55

Svitlana Kizilova - Tuesday, 8 March 2022, 21:55

Russian occupying forces bombed a residential building and the Izovat plant in Zhytomyr on 8 March.

Source: Zhytomyr Mayor Serhiy Sukhomlyn on

Verbatim: "A missile and bomb strike has just been carried out on the dormitory in Korbutivka (the city district -ed.). The building is completely destroyed".

Details: The mayor explained that ordinary people lived in this building. Some of the residents are former soldiers who served in the Soviet army a long time ago, but this house has nothing to do with military infrastructure.

Authorities are gathering information on possible casualties resulting from the bombing. One person was injured.

Russians also struck the Izovat plant, which provides insulation for residential houses.