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Prime Minister Denis Shmygal asks people all over the world to demand the closure of the skies over Ukraine

Tuesday, 8 March 2022, 19:51
Prime Minister Denis Shmygal asks people all over the world to demand the closure of the skies over Ukraine

Prime Minister Denis Shmygal called on people from all over the world to gather on the squares of their cities on March 9, 10 and 11 with a demand to close the skies over Ukraine.

Source: Schmygal on Twitter

Direct speech: "Ukrainians and people from all over the world! It is necessary to stop the bombing of Ukrainian cities. Civilians are killed by rockets and bombs, children are killed. Gather on your city square on March 9, 10, 11. We need to close the skies over Ukraine! "


What preceded: The Ukrainian authorities are constantly asking NATO countries to close the skies over Ukraine, as Russian military aviation is destroying Ukrainian cities from the air. Nonetheless, NATO refuses to do so.

On March 7, a large-scale action was held near the White House in Washington for a no-fly zone over Ukraine and the tightening of sanctions against Russia.

Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council Oleksiy Danilov asked international partners and NATO to provide combat aviation and air defence equipment if they cannot close the skies over Ukraine.
