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Head of Odesa Regional Military Administration to “Odesans with Krasnodar accent”: "You will find only death here"

Monday, 7 March 2022, 11:53
Head of Odesa Regional Military Administration to “Odesans with Krasnodar accent”: You will find only death here

Olena Roschina – Monday, 7 March 2022, 12:53

Head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration Maksym Marchenko declared that death awaits the Russian invaders in Odesa. He urged [the occupiers] not to persuade Odesans to commit crimes against their own state.

Source: Maksym Marchenko’s video address


According to Marchenko: "Lately I see a lot of videos featuring so-called ‘native Odesans’ with a clear Krasnodar accent [Krasnodar is a city in southern Russia], who are threatening us and calling on Odesans to help the Russian army.

I want to tell these people, who are inciting the people of Odesa to commit crimes against their own state, that here you will find only death. Your attempts to intimidate us have no substance.

I especially appeal to the so-called ‘third front’, who threatened me and the mayor of Odesa with reprisals: I am here, in the administration, waiting for you – and believe me, you will not like our meeting. Glory to Ukraine!"

Background: on 2 March President Volodymyr Zelenskyy replaced the heads of the Cherkasy and Odesa Regional State Administrations. Colonel Maksym Marchenko became the head of the Odesa Regional State (now Military) Administration instead of Serhiy Hrynevetsky; Marchenko is the former commander of the Knights of Winter campaign mechanised brigade.
