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Liashko has encouraged the Red Cross to organise humanitarian corridors

Friday, 4 March 2022, 19:56
Liashko has encouraged the Red Cross to organise humanitarian corridors

Kateryna Tischenko – Friday, 4 March 2022, 20:56  

Viktor Liashko, Minister of Healthcare, has encouraged the Red Cross to organise humanitarian corridors in order to deliver vital supplies to patients in war territories. 

Source: Liashko on-air, via Ukrinform


Quote: "Today I talked to the General Director of the World Health Organisation. We stressed that due to the Russian military aggression, due to its terrorist actions, we have problems delivering vital medical supplies to some areas of our country.

That’s why we desperately need humanitarian corridors. We encourage the Red Cross to do their work. They are being authorised to organise humanitarian corridors".

Details: Liashko said that there are medical supplies in Ukraine and there are organisations ready to deliver them. "We just need Russian troops not to shoot at vehicles bringing supplies to the people who need them."

Previously: During the second round of negotiations that took place on 3 March, the Russian and Ukrainian sides "reached an understanding" on collectively ensuring humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of peaceful civilians from territories where there is heavy fighting. However, there is no specific agreement.
