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Most phone service to Russia suspended

Thursday, 3 March 2022, 20:12

THURSDAY, 3 MARCH 2022, 20:41

Ukrainian mobile phone subscribers will no longer be able to call subscribers of Russian operators. This was reported by the State Special Communication Service.

Such measures are needed to prevent occupiers from transmitting information from Ukrainian telephones to Russia and Belarus. Similar restrictions apply to fixed-line subscribers.


In addition, mobile operators have now limited the ability to activate recently purchased mobile cards. This measure is necessary to prevent the occupying forces from stealing and using Ukrainian SIM cards.

Mobile operators noted that occupiers’ phones generally do not have the option of transferring data, so cases of mobile phone theft in Ukraine are becoming more frequent.

The State Special Communications Service recommends setting a PIN code for SIM cards, as well as a password for the phone itself.

In case of phone theft, the mobile operators should be notified immediately by other means of communication (internet support or from another person's phone). Phones with stolen SIM cards will be blocked.
