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Kharkhiv under heavy fire: civilian houses and an airfield destroyed by Russian missiles

Thursday, 3 March 2022, 17:35
Kharkhiv under heavy fire: civilian houses and an airfield destroyed by Russian missiles


Buildings and structures were destroyed in the Russian shelling of a multi-story residential complex in the Kharkiv district of North Saltivka.

Source: SES, Suspilne Kharkiv, V.S. Grizodubova Kharkiv Aeroclub


SES quote: "On 3 March, around 3:40 pm in the North Saltivka residential district of Kharkiv, multiple buildings and structures were destroyed as a result of multi-story residential complex shelling.

"As of 5:15 pm, 70 people and 20 equipment items were involved in the search operation, including rescue and firefighting teams".

Details: Suspilne Kharkiv, citing a source in the State Emergency Service, reports that fires broke out in more than 40 apartment and private buildings after the shelling of Kharkiv on Thursday. At the same time, most of the emergency calls come from Saltovka district.

The Kharkiv Aeroclub, named after V.S. Grizodubova TSO of Ukraine, reports that the Korotych airfield of the Kharkiv Aeroclub was destroyed by an enemy aircraft raid. The aerodrome infrastructure and aircraft housed there are out of order.
