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Russian invaders land in Mykolayiv. Residents are asked to leave city streets

Wednesday, 2 March 2022, 09:27
Russian invaders land in Mykolayiv. Residents are asked to leave city streets

Wednesday, 2 March 2022, 10:27 AM

An enemy landing party has landed in Mykolayiv around Balivny, people have been asked to leave the streets, and a curfew has been declared against further instructions.

Source: Vitaly Kim, chairman of the Mykolayiv regional state administration, in his Telegram account.


Quote: "Mykolayiv. Landing of troops in the ​​Balivny area. Four helicopters. I declare a curfew! Everyone should leave the streets.

Fighting is also underway near Kalynivka. The enemies were crushed there. Some of them have gone back towards Bashtanka.

The military is working. There is no enemy in Mykolayiv".

Details: An air raid was announced in the city and everyone was asked to go down into the basements.

According to Kim, the enemy aircraft were flying from Sevastopol.
