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Russians shell evacuation convoy near Kyiv, killing police officers

Thursday, 17 March 2022, 15:24
Russians shell evacuation convoy near Kyiv, killing police officers

Two police officers have been killed by Russian shelling during an evacuation operation in the Kyiv region.

Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs, quoting Kyiv Regional Police Chief Andriy Nebitov

Direct quote from Nebitov: "During the evacuation of people in the Bucha district, the occupying forces fired at the evacuation convoys from tanks. One police officer was killed and another wounded. The same thing happened in Irpen, where a Grad missile hit a police car. Only now has it been possible to retrieve the police officer’s body."


Details: Nebitov did not specify when the police officers had been killed.

He said that the Russian occupying forces were using "green corridors" as cover to relocate their troops and military hardware, and therefore all rescue operations in the Kyiv region were being carried out under enemy fire.

The Kyiv police chief noted that after the Ukrainian army’s successful attack in the direction of Irpen – Hostomel – Nemyshaevo, Ukrainian troops had been able to move forward. Intense fighting is now taking place there.

He also added that there is a partisan movement in the Kyiv region, but that the streets of towns and villages in the Kyiv region were "littered with bodies, both local people and Russians".
