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Zelenskyy to foreigners: "If Ukraine falls, they will be at your borders"

Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 20:31
Zelenskyy to foreigners: If Ukraine falls, they will be at your borders


In an interview with foreign journalists, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that in case of Ukraine's fall, Russian troops would be at NATO border and would engage in provocations there. 

Source: Zelenskyy in an interview with CNN and Reuters


Quote: "I told them (foreign leaders - ed.) that Ukraine will fight stronger than anyone, but we won’t be able to handle Russia one on one. When I talk about Russia, I'm not talking about the people now, I'm talking about their army, their leadership... 

If Ukraine falls, then all these troops will be on the borders of NATO member states, on the borders of Lithuania, Poland, etc."

Details: According to the President, Ukraine was preparing for the Russian invasion and had 6 options for defending the state: "We prepared for everything, but when you prepare in advance, it is not necessary to prepare your enemy to be ready for your reaction." Zelenskyy noted that Ukraine had prepared the army, financial support, conditions and weapons in advance. He also mentioned that we have all been involved in a full-scale war for a long time. 

What’s more, Zelenskyy noted that in case of Ukraine's fall, Russia will start provoking again, so NATO must move on to negotiations and respond to such a pressure: "not just warn the enemy, but respond." 

The President once again called on the world to close the sky over Ukraine.
