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Ministry of Health calls on pharmacists to be a reliable backbone of healthcare

Monday, 28 February 2022, 11:07

Olena Barsukova – 28 February 2022, 12:07

There are currently no restriction to the work of pharmacies in Ukraine, despite the war.

Pharmacies may be closed in cases when the pharmacists refuse to work.


The Ministry of Health addressed pharmacy workers and called on them to continue working.

"Today we live in the constant state of war, and everyone has to fulfill their own duty.

Healthcare workers have an important mission: it is your responsibility to ensure that Ukrainians will continue receiving vital medicines.

It is your responsibility to ensure that people will have access to [lifesaving] antipyretic and anti-allergic drugs, and that diabetic patients will have access to insulin," the statement reads.

Ministry of Health also called upon pharmacy owners and workers to follow the example of medics rescuing the wounded under fire on the front lines.

The ministry also emphasised that they are doing everything possible to ensure a reliable supply of medicines to Ukrainians.

Ministry of Health operates a call centre at 0 800 60 20 19, where calls and inquiries about the critical needs of citizens and hospitals are received.

Operators receive the incoming appeals and pass them on to be quickly resolved.

Volunteers and international [aid] organisations have been working around the clock to respond to requests for help, trying to meet the urgent needs of the medical industry.

However, all of these efforts may be in vain if pharmacy workers do not go to work, the Ministry of Health emphasised.

"Please continue to be a reliable backbone of Ukraine’s healthcare and go to work.

Now more than ever we need your courage, strength, and determination," the ministry urged.
