Metropolitan Epiphanius asks Patriarch Kirill of Moscow to take away Russian troops’ bodies

Sunday, 27 February 2022, 15:18

The head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphanius, appealed to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow to return the bodies of Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine back to Russia.

Source: Epiphanius’s letter on the Orthodox Church of Ukraine website.

Details: Metropolitan Epiphanius wrote that Russia’s unprovoked all-out aggression against Ukraine continues for the fourth day, with millions of people suffering and deaths among both servicemen and civilians.

In Epiphanius’s words: "Unfortunately, it is clear from your previous public statements that maintaining Putin’s approval and that of the Russian leadership is much more important to you than caring for the people in Ukraine, some of whom considered you their pastor before the war…

However, I still have hope that you will find spiritual strength to show humanity and care at least to the fellow citizens of your own country, most of whom are Orthodox Christians, your flock."

Epiphanius explained that the bodies of more than 3,000 dead Russian servicemen remain in Ukraine.

He reminded that Ukraine had asked the Red Cross to help return the bodies of the dead to their families, but received no response from Russia.

In Epiphanius’s words: "This is why I appeal to you, as the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, to show mercy for at least the fellow citizens of your own country, your flock. If you cannot raise your voice against aggression – at least help take away the bodies of Russian soldiers whose lives were the price of the idea of "Russian peace" – yours and your president’s.

May the Lord give you the spiritual strength to do so, especially today, on the Sunday of Remembrance of the Last Judgement!"