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The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Asks International TV Broadcasters to Remove Russian Channels

Saturday, 26 February 2022, 12:07
The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Asks International TV Broadcasters to Remove Russian Channels

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine and Ukrainian media groups are calling upon international TV and cable providers to turn off Russian news channels.

Source: Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine

Details: The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine initiated this plea with the support of Ukrainian media groups — specifically, 1+1 Media, StarLightMedia, Media Group Ukraine, and Inter Media Group.


Quote: "We also propose that our partners switch off all Russian news channels, so that explicit Russian propaganda does not make its way beyond the borders of Russia. We specifically ask that these channels are blocked and turned off on European satellite television."

Additional information: The statement notes that the channels of the abovementioned Ukrainian media groups are broadcasting the news jointly – "United News" - as of 26 February 2022 and are ready to give the international television providers their signal to share information 24/7 from different regions of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine and the Ukrainian media groups reiterated, "It is of the utmost importance that people around the world are able to access reliable and truthful information about Russia’s war against Ukraine, including news from the battlefield. We understand how strong the Russian propaganda machine is and the lengths to which the aggressor is going to spread fake news and cynically fool the public. We are categorically opposed to this."
