Partner of Energy Commission Chief Bought Luxury Real Estate before the ‘Rotterdam Formula’ Launch

Tuesday, 23 August 2016, 12:46

In February 2016 the partner of Dmytro Vovk, Chief of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities (NCSREPU) bought a real estate in Kyivska Oblast worth $1.5-2 million. This was reported by Mariana Motrunych in a show "Nashi Groshi with Denys Bigus." This 4-storey property was reported to belong earlier to Deputy Chairman of the Parliament and co-founder of Inter TV Channel Oleksandr Zinchenko. The neighboring properties are owned by ex-Energy Minister Yuriy Boyko and ex-Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevskyi.

Property owned by Silchenko 

This property officially belongs to Lilia Silchenko. She and her parents were never involved in any business activities. Her current employment is unknown. She is reported to be a partner of Vovk.

In March 2016 the NCSREPU approved a new methodology for calculating the wholesale market price for the electric energy. It is the price which heat and electricity generating power stations based on coal use when selling their electric energy to the market.

According to the new methodology, the price of the coal used to produce heat and electricity is calculated in this way: "coal price in the port of Rotterdam plus the price of delivery to Ukraine."

This formula led to 15-20% price increase of the electric energy for customers.

When the formula was introduced, Vovk bought Mersedes GL 550 worth $40,000. The car was allegedly sold by Lilia Silchenko.


At the same time, his income has significantly decreased over the past three years – from ₴1 million ($40,000) in 2013 to modest ₴69,000 in 2015.

Vovk reported his relationships with the President, Prime Minister, two Energy Ministers, certain MPs and energy oligarchs, as well as the new ‘Rotterdam formula’ in an interview to Ekonomichna Pravda.

Source: Ekonomichna Pravda

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