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Ukraine Seeking UN Approval of Peacekeeping Mission for Donbas

Monday, 22 August 2016, 20:01

Ukraine drafted documents necessary for the UN to adopt a decision on a special peacekeeping mission to Donbas and is hoping for effective cooperation with the new Secretary General of the UN.

Volodymyr Yelchenko, the permanent representative of Ukraine to the UN stated this at a press briefing on Monday.

"We have everything ready. We even have drafted documents in the Logistics and Support Office of UN in Ukraine and on the Special Envoy of the Secretary General of UN and on the Intermediary Mission of the Secretary General. We hope that the new Secretary General will treat us more seriously than the current one," — stated Yelchenko.


"I am eager for those three of four months to pass and for us to have another UN Secretary General, with whom it will be possible to sit down and have a serious conversation about our problems," — added Yelchenko.

Source: Interfax-Ukraine, Ukrayinska Pravda
