Prosecutors Take Handwriting Samples from Ex-MPs Featured in Party of Regions ‘Black Accounting’

Friday, 29 July 2016, 12:49

The Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office took samples of handwriting of some of the former MPs involved in the case of the so-called ‘black accounting’ of the Party of Regions, sources at the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office told Ukrayinska Pravda.

"We took the [handwriting] samples of Okhendovskyi [Ed: the Head of the Central Election Committee, who started working in the Committee on the quota of the Party of Regions] and some other former MPs. We are currently waiting for the result of the expert evaluation," the source said.

The person from the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office also said that the largest amount was spent during the election campaign of 2012. In particular, the funds were spent to pay TV channels, for articles in written media, and for exit polls.

"A talk show that I’m not going to name earned $2 million on the night of the election," the source said.

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda

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IP: 46.219.247.---Горбатюк Миша29.07.2016 14:41
пусть Холодницкого почерк возьмет, пригодится - ему еще на допросы по делу о вымогательстве им 200 тысяч баксов ходить.
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