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Russians attack residential areas of Kherson, injuring 2 people

Russia loses 860 soldiers in killed and wounded in 24 hours – General Staff

Putin claims Islamists wouldn't have organised terrorist attack in Russia

Russia increases number of attacks on Novopavlivka front but to no avail – UK intelligence

Russian terrorists will be punished for their actions in Kharkiv – Zelenskyy

Kremlin launches propaganda campaign against France after Macron's statements on Ukraine

US Congresswoman Spartz won't support Ukraine aid bill – WSJ

Russians lose 670 soldiers, 9 tanks, and 29 artillery systems in one day

Zelenskyy: Russia is preparing to mobilise 300,000 soldiers by June

German newspaper calls accusations of Ukraine's ambassador of distorting reality about war "intimidation"

Russian missile attack on Sumy Oblast: one killed, four-year-old child wounded – photo

Ukrainian intelligence preparing to destroy Crimean Bridge in first half of 2024 – The Guardian

Russian Defence Ministry claims terrorist attack in Moscow Oblast encouraged Russians to fight in Ukraine

Child injured in Russian attack on village in Kharkiv Oblast dies in hospital

Putin hints at revenge for terrorist attack in Moscow Oblast and vows to hold organisers accountable

UK intelligence posts satellite images of Russia's failed attempt to disguise its fighter jets – photo

Ukrainian drones employing AI to strike Russian targets with high precision – CNN

Military helicopter crashes in Russian-occupied Abkhazia – video
