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Mykhailo Krygel

journalist, editor
All Publications of this Author

Destroy me quickly. How Ukrainian fake HIMARS, guns and tanks fight with Russian Kalibr and Iskander missiles

An army without Zaluzhnyi: Who is General Syrskyi, Ukraine's new Commander-in-Chief?

Death is no more so long as we exist: How the doctors of Ukraine's Special Forces cheat death

65 days in Mariupol: a story of siege and occupation

Tuzla Fortress. Putin's provocations and Kuchma's unexpected discovery that Ukraine is not Russia

Tuzla Fortress. Putin's provocations and Kuchma's unexpected discovery that Ukraine is not Russia

Colonel Ivan Pavlenko: The war will end, we will win. But the war in cyberspace will never end

"The more your trench looks like a grave, the better your chances of survival." The things that are annoying, surprising, cheering and lifesaving for frontline soldiers

Blood sisters. What do combat medics Field Toad and Steppe Viper carry in their tactical backpacks?

Kramatorsk: Life in Ukraine's romantic capital, 25 kilometres from the front

Blue and yellow paranoia in Putin's Russia: denunciations and manufactured anxiety about Stepan Bandera, combat locusts, and poisoned money

A peardrop-flavoured cure for war: a Ukrainian-German doctor on Ukrainian refugees, a remedy for losing your home, the fear of death and the power of love

Remarque in trenches near Kherson. Impressions from the soldier and film producer, Volodymyr Yatsenko, on the nature of fear in warfare, rebuilding a nation, and life after victory

What to do with a nuclear country that behaves like a schizophrenic? Interview with Peter Pomerantsev

Russia will continue to pose an existential threat even after Putin's death – Father Patrick Desbois

"We’re basically peacekeepers. But you are all f*cked…" 35 days of the Russian occupation of Obukhovychi village - from tragedy to farce
