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"They were lying there side by side." The life and death of a family of eight whose graves were found in Izium

More Than 2,000 British Companies Continue Doing Business with Russia

"Ukraine's Movement Towards EU Is Marathon with a Lot of Roadblocks on Its Way." Interview with EU Official

Katarína Mathernová is a representative of the highest level of European bureaucrats responsible for relations with Ukraine. She heads the EU Support Group for Ukraine in the EU. She is also the Deputy Director-General of the European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations.

Rehearsing the apocalypse: Life in Kharkiv after the Ukrainian counteroffensive

"Negotiations with Russia and Definition of the Victory Remains Zelensky’s Decision." US Ambassador Interview

The United States of America is the leading supplier of weapons to Ukraine and the primary partner in countering Russian aggression. Without the financial support of the USA, it would be difficult for Ukraine to survive the seven months of the war. Despite this, there is no question of complete trust between the capitals.

Head of Azov Regiment Patronage Service: bodies of soldiers handed over by Russians so damaged that it's impossible to collect DNA

Timothy Snyder: Russia calls itself a democracy, but it's obviously not

Ukraine wants security guarantees from the West paving its way to NATO – proposal details

On September 13, the Office of the President of Ukraine presented the concept of security guarantees for Ukraine. It was developed by international advisers headed by former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

In case of nuclear war West has options Putin will not like at all

Radosław Sikorski is one of those Western diplomats who truly feels and understands Ukraine. Former Minister of Defense and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland worked with Ukraine on behalf of the Polish government for many years in a row - during the presidencies of Yushchenko, Yanukovych, and Poroshenko.

One step closer to victory in energy war with the Kremlin: what EU countries agreed on

On September 9, the energy ministers of the EU countries called on the European Commission to introduce a price cap on the gas against the backdrop of rapidly growing energy supply costs borne by consumers and enterprises.

Everything you wanted to know about State Sponsor of Terrorism status

An exhaustive explanation of the Yermak-McFaul sanctions group

Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to mount counteroffensive in Kharkiv Oblast: Information to date

Why Ukraine will not be satisfied with EU decision on visas for Russians

On Tuesday, the European Commission published two documents set to change visa rules for Russian travelers. The decision in the main document that suspends the Visa Facilitation Agreement with Russia has already been fulfilled, so the "visa punishment of Russians" should start working soon.

Orbán's School Propaganda: Hungary Raising Generation Hostile to Ukraine

In Hungary, an EU and NATO member state, only 3% of the voters of the current ruling party believe that Russia is responsible for the war in Ukraine. The rest blame mainly the USA and Ukraine itself. The data is confirmed by surveys.

The three longest days of February. The beginning of the great war which no one thought would come

"Ukraine can join NATO before war with Russia ends" Interview with Ukrainian government

Olha Stefanishyna is the main Ukrainian official in matters of relations with the EU and NATO. As Deputy Prime Minister, she coordinates Ukraine's path to both organizations, working in this field for many years.

Story of the day: Ukrainian Armed Forces go on offensive in Kherson Oblast. What is known about the fighting and the front line in the south of Ukraine

Visitor from another world: Is it appropriate to invite Pope Francis to Ukraine

"Saint Francis is probably devastated that the Pope has taken his name," Donald Tusk, the former prime minister of Poland and ex-president of the European Council, responded to the recent statements of the Roman pontiff.

EU Ambassador: Ukraine already fulfilled main political requirements for EU membership

The Russian army can be defeated in Ukraine's internationally recognized territory, including Crimea. Nuclear weapons will not be used because even Putin still has some rationality. Zelenskyy should decide what to consider a victory for Ukraine, but he will consider public opinion, which doesn't like compromises.

Ukraine's actions to start EU accession negotiations: detailed plan and analysis

Exactly two months ago, on June 23, the European Council granted Ukraine EU candidate status but came up with seven conditions for obtaining it, which Ukraine must fulfill. As they say in the EU, the non-standard procedure has become a signal of trust in Kyiv.

Can Erdoğan make Ukraine and Russia reach a peace deal? Insights of Lviv negotiations

The visit of Türkiye's President to Ukraine, together with the UN Secretary-General, has stayed without historic agreements, but it got a lot of attention.

Responsibility for Two? Ukraine's and Moldova's EU Accession Process

The accession process to the EU, aside from the normative and reform side, appears to be a unique blend of creative mechanisms to slow down the process but also speed it up. Making Ukraine and Moldova candidate states is by far the biggest positive process that has been taking place in the region for the last years.

Fight for the tank: Estonia decommunized the main symbol of the Soviet occupation

Estonian Narva, all of a sudden, turned into the main newsmaker on August 16. The government removed the Soviet T-34 tank, which was extremely important for the Russian community.

Revival of Intermarium: Forgotten Polish Idea to Help Ukraine Get Closer to Europe

The consequences of the second Russian aggression in Ukraine will change the world in many aspects from international law to nuclear safety, but also locally from regional cooperation to integration. Although Ukraine has now successfully applied to become a member of the European Union and by each passing day confirms it’s NATO membership worthy, it is perhaps more relevant today to focus on the pre-membership period.

Why Ukraine should establish relations with Belarus government in exile

Ukraine, which is waging a heroic war against the aggressor, is also achieving tangible and perceivable results on the diplomatic front. The joint efforts of diplomats, state representatives, and non-governmental players secure international support for Ukraine. But one foreign policy sector has wholly failed - Ukraine's policy towards Belarus. Ukraine is in touch neither with the self-proclaimed government nor with the anti-Lukashenka opposition.

Amnesty International report on the Armed Forces of Ukraine puts civilians in even greater danger than before – head of Amnesty Ukraine, who has resigned

It’s time for companies to pull out from Russia and friendshore – move a production site to a country that shares your values and strategic interests

How Russia's invasion of Ukraine disrupts the world economy

A Ukrainian astronaut on the ISS could be a reality. What will Ukraine gain after joining the European Space Agency?

Escaping the besieged city by foot: The untold story of a marine’s escape from Mariupol

Will tension between Kosovo and Serbia lead to war, and what should Kyiv do?

One more war in Europe – this time in the Balkans. On the last day of July, it seemed more real than ever.

How to drop the Russian banking system at once
