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Telegram blocks number of official Ukrainian chatbots, Ukraine's Defence Intelligence says

Monday, 29 April 2024, 01:18
Telegram blocks number of official Ukrainian chatbots, Ukraine's Defence Intelligence says

Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) has reported that the Telegram platform has blocked a number of official Ukrainian messaging bots, including a DIU chatbot.

Source: DIU on Telegram

Quote: "Today [28 April – ed.], the management of the Telegram platform unreasonably blocked a number of official messaging bots, including the Main DIU Bot, [all] engaged in countering Russia's military aggression against Ukraine.


It happened contrary to the rules and public statements made by Telegram's management."

"Your personal data is safe even with our bot being blocked!"

Details: DIU warned that the Russians were creating bots with similar names and called not to send personal data to them.

More updates on this topic: Telegram chatbots of Ukraine's Security Service, intelligence and Digital Ministry back online after being blocked

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