No to silence! No to leis! No to indifference!

Понеділок, 25 вересня 2000, 01:53
A week has passed since the day when known journalist Georgi Gongadze disappeared. Judging by limited announcements of the police, 3-4 main versions are examined. Chair of Security Service of Ukraine Leonid Derkach stated that the special service has some important information but did not make it public "in the interest of investigation".

Colleagues of Georgi, unfortunately, did not demonstrate during these 8 days an ability of running an independent investigation. That is why the fact of yesterday meeting in IREX-ProMedia is quite symptomatic.

A group of known journalists discussed the situation around "Gongadze's case" and traditional Ukrainian, softly speaking, "misfortune" with freedom of speech and founded an organizing committee of civic non-government organization "Journalists Initiative" (working name)

A prepared appeal to representatives of printed and electronic Media States: "Fate of Georgi Gongadze and no information on how he disappeared
threaten us and force to protection. We unite because nobody can protect us, journalists". The text ends up with a message - "No to silence! No to leis! No to indifference!"

The group of initiators of a new professional organization includes - Alla Mazur and Yevhen Hlibovitsky (Studio 1+1), Olena Pritula ("Ukrainian Pravda"), Yekaterina Horchynska ("Financial Times"), Dmytro Ponamarchuk (Rukh Press Secretary), Natalia Lihacheva ("Day"), wife of Georgi - journalist Myroslava Gongadze, etc.

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