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Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Russian media report death of propagandist from Russia-24 TV channel, who was wearing military uniform in combat zone

Mushroom forager killed in explosion after picking up MLRS warhead

Russians actively attack in Ukraine's east but have no success – General Staff report

Ukraine's air defence shoots down 4 Shahed UAVs in Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts

Ukraine holds new positions on left bank of Kherson Oblast and strike Russians – General Staff

Russians recruit informants among unemployed in Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts

2 rescue workers killed in Zaporizhzhia Oblast on 15 November

Russian troops advance near Avdiivka in Donetsk Oblast and Urozhaine in Zaporizhzhia Oblast – ISW

Explosions heard in Russian-occupied Tokmak

Ukrainian defenders repel 22 Russian attacks on Marinka front – General Staff report

Firefighters killed by Russians as they put out fire following attack in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Two dead and several wounded in missile strike in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Russians begin preparations for "presidential elections" in occupied territories

Ukrainian troops advance on Kherson Oblast left bank and near Verbove – ISW

Ukraine's Armed Forces repel Russian attacks on 7 fronts − General Staff

Total of 87 combat clashes have taken place over past day – General Staff

Russian troops enter outskirts of Stepove near Avdiivka

Ukraine's Defence Forces repel over 25 Russian attacks near Marinka and Novomykhailivka – General Staff

Zaporizhzhia Military Administration retracts fake report about Russians building railway from Rostov to Crimea

Russians launch 2 missile attacks on Zaporizhzhia district, damaging infrastructure

Ukraine's Armed Forces continue to assault south of Bakhmut − General Staff

Commander of 128th brigade suspended during investigation into death of 19 servicemen

Soldiers of 128th Brigade were waiting for commander when Russian Iskander missile struck – source

Investigation into circumstances of deaths of 128th Brigade soldiers underway

128th Brigade confirms deaths of 19 soldiers in Russian strike

Russians occupiers try to regain lost positions near Klishchiivka and Andriivka – General Staff report

Only 7% of locals serve in Russian "volunteer" formations in occupied territories

Russians launch construction of railway from Russia's Rostov-on-Don via Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia to Crimea

Ukrainian troops achieve success on Left Bank of Kherson Oblast – ISW

Russians hit village in Zaporizhia Oblast with rocket, injuring 9 people