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Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

IAEA Director General travels to Ukraine to assess situation on Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

NATO has a plan in case nuclear disaster occurs at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant – top-official

Water level in Kakhovka reservoir drops by 5-7 cm every hour – IAEA

Energodar city hall recommends that local residents leave city

Director General of the IAEA will lead the mission at the Zaporizhzhia NPP after the dam was blown up

Emergency response system of ZNPP shut down due to Russians' actions

​​Situation at ZNPP is deteriorating every day − State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate

Ukraine and Russia do not approve IAEA protection plan for ZNPP

Safety principles of Zaporizhzhia power plant should provide for its complete liberation and demilitarisation – Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the UN

IAEA Director General presents plan for protection of Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant

Russians prepare large-scale provocation at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant

Occupiers continue to bring military equipment to ZNPP power units – Defence Intelligence

Zaporizhzhia NPP cut off from power grid for seventh time during its occupation because of attacks

Russians are entrenching themselves around ZNPP, but they are not letting go of the idea of escape – Reuters

UK announces new sanctions against Russia, targeting nuclear energy sector

More military at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant than station personnel

Number of Russian occupiers at ZNPP increases significantly

Occupiers forbid Zaporizhzhia NPP staff to even talk to each other – Energoatom

France and Ukraine urge Russia to retreat from Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

UN Security Council to consider IAEA's suggestion about safety zone around Zaporizhzhia NPP

Russians train to quickly flee from ZNPP – head of Energoatom

Ukrainian troops realise they will have to avoid Zaporizhzhia NPP during counteroffensive – Head of Energoatom

Russians plan to "evacuate" thousands of Zaporizhzhia NPP employees – Energoatom

Russians deport Zaporizhzhia NPP employees' families from Enerhodar – General Staff

Situation around Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant becomes increasingly dangerous – IAEA

Occupiers frighten locals with dam break on Dnipro and possible flooding of Zaporizhzhia NPP

Russians are storing explosives at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant – State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate

Occupying management of Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant go on urgent holiday – Energoatom

Landmine explodes near occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant – IAEA

Russians set up defensive positions at several ZNPP reactor buildings