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Former UK Defence Secretary urges West to promptly provide Ukraine with everything it needs to win

UK Defence Secretary on supporting Ukraine: We must not let up now

"Not for the here and now": UK PM comments on possibility of training Ukrainian soldiers in Ukraine

Russia prepares to increase funding for war in its 2024 budget – UK intelligence

UK wants to send military instructors to Ukraine – UK Defence Minister

UK imposes new sanctions in response to Russia's sham elections in occupied territories

Chief of UK Defence Staff: Strikes on Russian Black Sea Fleet prove that Ukraine holds initiative

Ukrainian commander-in-chief asks UK chief of defence staff to help strengthen Ukraine's air defence

New UK Defence Secretary meets Zelenskyy in Kyiv

Russian oligarch Pavel Fuks and lawyer Andrii Dovbenko reveal their future plans in Ukraine – Ukrainska Pravda investigation

UK Intelligence: Russian counterattacks to deter Ukraine's Armed Forces ill-conceived and unsuccessful

Zelenskyy unlikely to send Reznikov to London as ambassador

UK Defence Secretary announces plans to train 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers

UK promises Ukraine tens of thousands of artillery shells after Ramstein-format meeting

"Johnson is wrong": UK Foreign Office responds to criticism about slow aid to Ukraine

UK declares Wagner Group terrorist organisation

Russian pilot nearly downs UK aircraft thinking he was given permission – BBC

What the hell are we waiting for? – UK's ex-PM on slow arms supplies to Ukraine

UK Ministry of Defence calls Ukraine's move away from Russian nuclear fuel important stage

Russia attempted to attack civilian vessel in Ukraine with missiles on 24 August

New UK Ambassador starts work in Ukraine

UK company plans to produce spare parts for howitzers in Ukraine within months

UK jets protect ships carrying Ukrainian grain from Russian attacks – The Telegraph

Ukrainska Pravda finds former Ukrainian MP's son-in-law at Russian oligarch's home

Londongrad 2: Ukrainska Pravda finds a Ukrainian politician's relative at the home of a Russian oligarch

The part two of the story about London assets and Russian oligarchs in United Kingdom – Ukrainska Pravda Investigation

London says Russian attacks have reduced Ukraine's ability to export grain by third

UK Prime Minister to call on India to influence Russia over war against Ukraine

Zelenskyy and Sunak discuss grain export and Ukraine's military needs

Zelenskyy's office considers new position for former Defence Minister Reznikov

UK government to outlaw Wagner Group and confiscate its assets