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Zelenskyy rejects "primitive" ideas from Trump on ending of war

US has no evidence of direct military aid from China to Russia – White House

Ukraine to receive 20 additional Marder infantry fighting vehicles from Germany

Ukraine's National Anti-Corruption Bureau and Polish law enforcers conduct raids and gather evidence of abuse in weapons procurement – photo

Commander of Ukraine's Ground Forces: Military enlistment office's system not perfect, but insulting its employees is unacceptable

EU arms manufacturers concern about dependency on Chinese raw materials as demand rises due to war in Ukraine – FT

Russia loses 890 soldiers, 13 tanks and 40 artillery systems over past 24 hours

"Freedom and Democracy". Towards the future we deserve

Debates in Congress may delay US aid for Ukraine further – Reuters

Idea of deploying troops on ground in Ukraine caused a row between French President and German Chancellor

NATO Secretary General does not think F-16 jets will change course of war in Ukraine

Light mine clearance vehicle is tested in Ukraine – photo

Estonian intelligence forecasts increase in intensity of hostilities in Ukraine in coming weeks

Ukraine won't be invited to NATO at Washington summit in order not to bring NATO into war – NYT

Ukraine brings back 3 more children from temporarily occupied territories in Kherson Oblast

NATO comments on possible resumption of military training in Ukraine

Portugal no longer hesitant about Ukraine's accession to EU

Russia loses 860 soldiers in killed and wounded in 24 hours – General Staff

Ukraine holds talks with Lithuania on security agreement

Ukrainian strikes have taken out at least 10% of Russia's oil refining capacity – NATO assessment

NATO Secretary General outlines two scenarios of how war in Ukraine could unfold

NATO intelligence casts doubt on likelihood of imminent large-scale Russian offensive

Ukraine's foreign minister says Ukraine has taken steps to ensure Hungary unblocks tranche to European Peace Facility

Chinese Foreign Ministry says there should be no winners and losers in "Ukraine crisis"

Germany to start searching for available Patriot air defence systems for Ukraine – Ukrainian foreign minister

Poll finds Ukrainians' opinion on the country's post-war borders

Russia increases number of attacks on Novopavlivka front but to no avail – UK intelligence

Kremlin launches propaganda campaign against France after Macron's statements on Ukraine

US Congresswoman Spartz won't support Ukraine aid bill – WSJ

France rejects Russian statement on Paris' readiness for dialogue on Ukraine