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Zelenskyy on blowing up of Kakhovka dam: We need world's maximum reaction to Russian terror

Solitary pickets across Europe protest Russian actions that endanger unique natural park at Dzharylhach Island

EU experts call for Russia to be held accountable for ecocide

Nature on the frontier. How peatlands are helping to defend Ukraine's borders

Attack on Kherson port causes oil products leakage into Dnipro river

Damage to environment caused by war exceeds US$46 billion

Russians cause over US$35 billion worth of damage to Ukraine’s ecology

Trees disappear in occupied cities in Luhansk Oblast: chopped for wood

Zelenskyy speaks to New Zealanders about ecocide and Russia’s miscalculation

Russia destroyed 3 million hectares of forest and ruined 332 educational facilities – Zelenskyy

Up to 10 tonnes of fuel in the water in Kherson Oblast after Russia’s attacks

Ukrainians demand that Russia be punished for environmental crimes

Russian occupiers cause environmental disaster at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Russian invaders cause 1 trillion hryvnias in damage to Ukraine’s environment – Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources

Russian aggression has caused almost UAH 400 billion in damage to Ukraine’s natural environment

In addition to the invaders, Mariupol is flooded with tons of rubbish - the mayor

Ministry of Environmental Protection has calculated the cost of environmental damage caused by the war

Because of the Russians, Nova Kakhovka is partially flooded, and Kherson is under threat

Ukraine may become the first country in the world to receive reparations for environmental damage

State Emergency Service on Sumykhimprom shelling: Ammonia leak was insignificant, no danger for Sumy residents

Kherson on the verge of an environmental catastrophe due to Russia’s actions

The Russian occupying forces have blocked the operation of the Chornobayi poultry farm, which holds 3 million chickens. On 6 March, the Russian forces fired at staff who were transporting feed for the farm. On Monday-Tuesday, the chickens will start dying of hunger.

Ministry of the Ecology: The events at Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant may trigger a disaster not only in Europe, but all over the world

Kyiv: A Russian projectile hits a radioactive waste disposal site

Anastasia Kalatur - Sunday, February 27, 2022, 03:41

Russian projectiles hit a radioactive waste disposal site of the “Radon Association'' Kyiv branch. There is no threat to the population according to preliminary estimates.

Source: State Nuclear Regulatory Inspection of Ukraine (SNRIU) on Facebook citing the company's staff

Forest Reserve ‘Cut Down to Build Gas Station’

During the night of August 22 unknown individuals logged part of the Bychok forest reserve, which is part of Holosiivskyi National Park. Activist Mykhailo Pohrebyskyi reported on Facebook

Sadovyi Asks to Declare an Environmental Emergency in Lviv

Lviv mayor Andriy Sadovyi has asked President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Groysman to declare Lviv and the adjacent villages an environmental emergency area. The reason for his plea is the situation in Velyki Hrybovychi landfill.