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Donetsk Oblast

Command ensures alternative supply routes for Avdiivka, says Tavriia Operational Strategic Group spokesperson

Attack on Selydove: rescue workers and police post photos of aftermath – photo, video

Russians bombard Novohrodivka in Donetsk Oblast, injuring one person – photo

Russians attack on 6 fronts, 71 clashes during day – General Staff

3 people, including child, killed in Russian attack on Selydove

Russians attack Selydove, Donetsk Oblast, second time in a night: Hospital destroyed – photo, video

Civilians trapped under rubble, 12 flats destroyed after Russian forces hit high-rise building in Donetsk Oblast

Russian forces launch 10 attacks on Avdiivka and attempt to advance on Marinka front 11 times – General Staff

Ukrainian prime minister holds government meeting in Donetsk Oblast, sharing plans to strengthen the army

Intensity of combat action ramps up on Tavriia front

Grandmother and two grandchildren injured in Russian attack on Selydove

Russians intensify attacks on Marinka front, 100 combat clashes occur – General Staff report

ISW analyses why Russians need 30km long "tsar train" barrier in Donetsk Oblast

Human Rights Commissioner to appeal to UN and IRCR over bogus trial of captured Ukrainians

Russian large-scale attack on Selydove in Donetsk Oblast: 1 killed and 7 injured, including 6-year-old child

Russians push on Avdiivka and Marinka fronts, Ukrainian defenders repel over 60 attacks over last day here – General Staff

Russians push on 7 fronts; Ukraine's defenders repel almost 100 engagements over past day – General Staff report

Russians push on several fronts, 126 combat clashes occur over past day – General Staff report

Russians intensify attacks on Avdiivka front, where Ukrainian defenders repel 44 assaults – General Staff

Civilian killed and 2 injured in Russian attack on residential area in Toretsk – photo

People injured in Russian attack on Kharkiv and Donetsk oblasts

Russians attack on 8 fronts; 63 clashes recorded – General Staff

Russian missile hits school in Donetsk Oblast – video

Russians strike Toretsk and Tsukuryne: one woman killed, two others injured

Missile attack on Pokrovsk: Police show footage of first few minutes after attack, number of injured people rises

Six men injured in Russian missile attack on Pokrovsk

Russians intensify attacks on Kherson front, where Ukrainian defenders repel 15 attacks – General Staff

Russians jam mobile connection in occupied part of Donetsk Oblast

Russian troops suffer considerable losses during assault on Mariinka front – General Staff report

Russians strike Avdiivka and Chasiv Yar, killing and injuring civilians – photo