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Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Russian UAV strikes civilian car in Nikopol district, killing one person

Ukraine's air defence downs 24 Russian targets over Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, casualties reported

Russian forces attack Nikopol district 10 times, damaging school and residential buildings

Ukraine's air defence shoots down Russian missile in Kryvyi Rih

Russians increased their use of FPV drones against civilians in Ukraine's south by 40%

Russian overnight attack on Ukraine: fire in Lviv Oblast, thousands left without heating in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Russians attack Nikopol with artillery and kamikaze drones, injuring a man

Russia bombards Dnipropetrovsk Oblast three times overnight, damaging church and private houses – photo

Russia deploys drones and artillery to attack Dnipropetrovsk Oblast; 1 civilian injured – photo

Russians bombard Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: five people wounded

Russians target Nikopol district 9 times with kamikaze drones and artillery – photo

Petrol station on fire in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast after Russian attacks – photo

Shahed drone wreckage hits multi-storey building in Kryvyi Rih, causing fire – photo

5 injured in Russian attacks on Nikopol

Attack on Nikopol district: two people injured and over 30 houses damaged – photo

Russian attack on Nikopol district with drones and artillery injures 6 civilians – photo

High-rise building in Kryvyi Rih on fire after Russian attack, fatalities reported – photo, video

Russians hit grain elevator in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Russians attack Nikopol district this morning, killing teenager

Russian attack drones strike Nikopol district, injuring woman and damaging infrastructure – photo

Authorities reveal fortifications being built in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast – photo

Russian forces attack Nikopol shopping centre – photo

Russian Kh-59 missile is downed over Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Russians launch half a dozen drones at Nikopol district over day: 72-year-old man injured – photo

Russians bombard Nikopol, killing civilian woman

70-year-old man injured in Russian attack of Nikopol district – photo

Russians drop explosives on car in Nikopol, killing civilian

Rubble being cleared in Dnipro: Drones hit high-rise building and enterprise – photo

Shahed UAV debris damages 3 houses and 2 cars in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast – photo

Two men injured in Russian attack on Nikopol – photo