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Syrskyi is main candidate to replace Zaluzhnyi as Commander-in-Chief

Decision on leadership change in Ukraine's Armed Forces has been made – Ukraine's Defence Minister

Decree on Zaluzhnyi's dismissal expected this evening

Zelenskyy and Zaluzhnyi hold meeting to discuss renewed leadership of Ukraine's Armed Forces

Dismissal on repeat: why Zelenskyy is (or isn't) dismissing Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi

Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief approves changes to journalist accreditation during martial law

Mayor of Kyiv stands up for Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces: Politics can outweigh common sense

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief to General Staff Chief: Happy that you were by my side; we will have nothing to be ashamed of

Zelenskyy mulling replacement of Ukraine's General Staff Chief in addition to Commander-in-Chief – Ukrainska Pravda's sources

Zelenskyy says he is considering changing direction of Ukraine’s leadership and replacing Zaluzhnyi

US must not interfere – Biden's advisor on possible dismissal of Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief

Kyiv has yet to find a replacement for Ukraine’s Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi – The Washington Post

Ukraine informs US about forthcoming dismissal of Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi – Washington Post

Zaluzhnyi criticises system of weapons production in Ukraine

Ukraine's Armed Forces face challenge to create technological rearmament system – Commander-in-Chief

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief names 3 main goals for 2024 in war with Russia

Differing views on mobilisation: Washington Post explains why Zelenskyy might dismiss Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief

Western media predict Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi's dismissal imminent, assess risks

Zelenskyy's office denies Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi has been dismissed

President's Office considering Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi's resignation, but no decree yet

Zaluzhnyi marking day of historic battle near Kruty: Ukrainian soldiers fight Russian aggressor once again

NATO-Ukraine meeting in Brussels takes place without Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief – photo

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief to join NATO-Ukraine Council session, reporting on combat situation

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief speaks with NATO Military Committee Chairman prior to NATO-Ukraine Council meeting

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief discusses "mutual strategic interest" with US General Charles Brown

Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi confirms downing of Russian A-50 and Il-22M – photo

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief spends several days at front line – photo

Ukraine's Defence Minister and Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief visit positions near Kupiansk – photo

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief shows M777 howitzer destroying Russians in any weather – video

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief and US Army Commander in Europe discuss Russia's next steps and strengthening air defence