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No Russians in Ukraine's Chasiv Yar or its outskirts

Tuesday, 9 April 2024, 21:49
No Russians in Ukraine's Chasiv Yar or its outskirts
A house in Chasiv Yar in April 2023. Photo: Yuliia Ovsiannikova / Ukrinform / Future Publishing via Getty Images

Nazar Voloshyn, spokesperson for the Khortytsia Operational Strategic Group of Forces, has reported that the situation in Chasiv Yar is controlled by Ukraine's Armed Forces, and there are no Russians in the city or its outskirts.

Source: Voloshyn, on air of the national joint 24/7 newscast

Quote: "Currently, the situation is controlled by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The enemy is neither in the city nor on the outskirts. However, both today and yesterday, the enemy used their air superiority in missiles and large-calibre artillery ammunition, and they are trying to achieve the goal of advancing to the borders of Donetsk Oblast.


Their tactics don't change – it's a large number of infantry and assault operations. In particular, assault groups come in infantry fighting vehicles and attack with the support of artillery and aviation."

Details: According to Voloshyn, Russian troops occasionally bring large numbers of artillery near Chasiv Yar, despite the "large-scale counter-battery fire" by Ukraine's Defence Forces.

Quote: "The Russians are using tactical aircraft in large numbers to launch KABs [guided bombs – ed.]. Most of them hit Chasiv Yar, destroying infrastructure and everything in their way.

The enemy is trying to bring their soldiers as close to the contact line as possible so that they can launch assaults, but Ukrainian defenders are doing everything they possibly can to repel these attacks."

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