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Russian forces target industrial facility in Zaporizhzhia: 6 people injured – photo

Monday, 8 April 2024, 15:19
Russian forces target industrial facility in Zaporizhzhia: 6 people injured – photo
Photo: Anatolii Kurtiev, Secretary of Zaporizhzhia City Council

Russian troops launched a missile strike on an industrial facility in the city of Zaporizhzhia on the afternoon of 8 April, injuring six people.

Source: Ivan Fedorov, the Head of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram; Anatolii Kurtiev, Secretary of Zaporizhzhia City Council, on Telegram

Photo: Anatolii Kurtiev, Secretary of Zaporizhzhia City Council

Quote: "The Russians have attacked an industrial facility in Zaporizhzhia once again. Six people have been injured. The information about the aftermath of the missile attack is currently being gathered."


Details: Kurtiev said an infrastructure facility, 7 apartment buildings and a medical facility had been damaged.


  • On 5 April, Russian forces launched a missile attack on Zaporizhzhia, claiming the lives of four people and leaving 23 more injured.

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