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US Congressmen in Kyiv explain delay in military aid to Ukraine

Monday, 22 April 2024, 21:31
US Congressmen in Kyiv explain delay in military aid to Ukraine
A bipartisan delegation from the US Congress in Kyiv on 22 April. Photo: Office of the President of Ukraine

Members of the bipartisan delegation of the US House of Representatives, who arrived in Kyiv on 22 April on a visit, stressed that the delay in approving aid to Ukraine is not due to a decrease in the level of its support.

Source: correspondent of European Pravda 

Details: Republican Tom Kean, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives, stressed that the current version of the bill on additional funding for foreign aid, including Ukraine, contains a number of improvements compared to the Senate version.


Among other things, the politician mentioned the REPO provision, which will allow the confiscation of frozen Russian assets in the United States, as well as the requirement for the owner of TikTok to sell the business to a non-Chinese company.

"I mean, all of those things, those efforts took time to come together to find that bipartisan solution. That my hope will be by week's end passed through the US Senate and then after that signed into law [by US President Biden – ed.]," Kean added.

His colleague, Democrat Bill Keating, separately noted that the House of Representatives has always had "great support" for Ukraine aid.

"Now, you might have noticed in the US Congress, things don't happen very quickly these days.

And that's unfortunate. But the bipartisan spirit we have here is an indication we can get the job done," Bill Keating said.


  • On 20 April, the US House of Representatives approved a bill to provide about US$61 billion in military aid for Ukraine.
  • Chuck Schumer, the leader of the Democratic Majority in the US Senate, said the Senate will vote for the bill on Tuesday, 23 April.

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