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US Congress rejects all anti-Ukrainian amendments to Ukrainian aid bill

Saturday, 20 April 2024, 20:26
US Congress rejects all anti-Ukrainian amendments to Ukrainian aid bill
The US Congress. Photo: Getty Images

The US House of Representatives has rejected four anti-Ukrainian amendments to the Ukraine aid bill.

Source: European Pravda

Details: The House of Representatives is set to consider four bills on foreign aid on Saturday, 20 April, including a bill on aid for Ukraine.


Four amendments to the Ukraine aid bill were considered in the House today:

  • An amendment aimed at removing a number of aid provisions, proposed by Victoria Spartz;
  • An amendment aimed at reducing all dollar amounts in the bill to zero, proposed by Marjorie Taylor Greene;
  • An amendment aimed at banning the use of economic aid to pay pensions or government salaries, proposed by Kevin Hern;
  • An amendment aimed at striking all non-military aid from the bill, proposed by Kat Cammack.

Congress rejected three of the amendments by voice vote. The amendment proposed by Kevin Hern was not considered.


  • On 18 April, Democrats in the House of Representatives departed from the usual political norms in the US to rescue a foreign aid package, including aid for Ukraine, proposed by House Speaker Mike Johnson. The House Rules Committee voted to advance the package of four bills for consideration on the House floor. 
  • House Speaker Mike Johnson introduced the package on Wednesday. It envisages allocating around US$61 billion in aid to Ukraine and other allies. The final vote on the bill is expected to be held by the evening of Saturday, 20 April

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