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Polish farmers blockade Uhryniv checkpoint for Ukrainian lorries again

Tuesday, 2 April 2024, 09:50
Polish farmers blockade Uhryniv checkpoint for Ukrainian lorries again
The Dołhobyczów-Uhryniv checkpoint. Photo: Wikipedia

Polish farmers have resumed their blockade of the Dołhobyczów-Uhryniv checkpoint.

Source: Colonel Andrii Demchenko, spokesman for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, in a comment to Ukrainska Pravda

Details: Demchenko said on 2 April that Ukrainian border guards had received information from their Polish counterparts about the resumption of the blockade of this checkpoint for lorries by Polish farmers from 09:00.


Quote: "The passage of lorries will be carried out as follows: three lorries per six hours for exit from Poland and one lorry per day for entry into Poland.

Passenger vehicles and buses in both directions will be allowed to cross in accordance with the established procedure."

Details: Therefore, as of the morning of 2 April, three checkpoints are blocked for Ukrainian lorries: the Uhryniv, Yahodyn and Rava-Ruska checkpoints.

Background: On Thursday 28 March, the Polish protesters temporarily suspended their actions for the Easter period. 

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