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Night Shahed drone attack on Odesa: part of multi-storey building collapsed – photo, video

Saturday, 2 March 2024, 04:17
Night Shahed drone attack on Odesa: part of multi-storey building collapsed – photo, video
Building that collapsed in Odesa. Photo: Suspilne.Odesa

Part of a multi-storey building collapsed in the city of Odesa on the night of 1-2 March due to a Russian Shahed drone attack, killing two people and injuring seven more. People may still be trapped under the rubble, as seven building residents are out of contact.

Source: Odesa Mayor Hennadii Trukhanov on Telegram

Quote from Trukhanov: "Another terrorist attack on a peacefully sleeping city. A densely populated area. It's just terrifying here. Rescue workers and municipal and emergency services are working at the scene. Debris clearance is ongoing."

Фото: Суспільне. Одеса
Damaged building 

Details: "Engineering networks and a boiler house were also damaged, so adjacent buildings were disconnected from the heating supply."

Фото: Суспільне. Одеса
Damaged building 

Trukhanov said a young person had been killed at night. Medical assistance was being provided to those injured.

Фото: Суспільне. Одеса
Damaged building 
Photo: Suspilne.Odesa

Updated at 05:15: Oleh Kiper, Head of Odesa Oblast Military Administration, announced that one building entrance had been completely destroyed. 

As of 05:00, one man has been reported dead. Seven more people were injured, including one child. Among the injured is a pregnant woman. She is in hospital in a moderate condition.

Three more people with multiple injuries were also hospitalised, including a 26-year-old woman in a critical condition and two others in a moderate condition. 

Medical assistance was provided to three people at the scene, including a three-year-old child. 

A search and rescue operation is ongoing. People may be trapped under the rubble.

Updated at 07:08: The Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that the death toll in Odesa has risen to two. State Emergency Service rescue workers have retrieved bodies from under the rubble. 

A search and rescue operation is ongoing without any breaks, as there may be people under the rubble. 

Currently, there is information that seven residents of the apartment building are out of contact. 

Service dogs are involved in the search. Police and State Emergency Service psychologists are providing psychological assistance at the scene, and over fifty individuals have approached them for help. 

Heating stations have also been promptly set up, as a dozen apartment buildings were left without heating due to the attack.

Background: On the night of 1-2 March, three people were killed, civilians were wounded and high-rise residential buildings were damaged as a result of a Russian drone attack on Odesa.

Read more updates on this topic: Three killed in Odesa due to night attack by Russian drones

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