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Germany announces new €500 million military assistance package for Ukraine

Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 15:57
Germany announces new €500 million military assistance package for Ukraine
German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius. Photo: Getty Images

Germany has prepared a new package of military assistance for Ukraine worth approximately €500 million.

Source: German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius at the Contact Group for the Defence of Ukraine meeting, as reported by Tagesschau

Details: According to Pistorius, the package consists primarily of additional ammunition supplies – 10,000 artillery shells from Bundeswehr warehouses.


The new aid package will also include 100 armoured infantry vehicles and 100 transportation vehicles.

US Secretary of Defenсe Lloyd Austin, opening the Ramstein meeting on Tuesday, promised that the United States will continue to support Ukraine's military efforts against Russia.

Josep Borrell, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said he would propose that the EU use 90% of the proceeds from frozen Russian assets in Europe to purchase weapons for Ukraine through the European Peace Facility.

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