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Russian UAVs hit industrial facility in Odesa Oblast and damage power line in Mykolaiv Oblast – photo

Sunday, 10 March 2024, 07:55
Russian UAVs hit industrial facility in Odesa Oblast and damage power line in Mykolaiv Oblast – photo
Aftermath of Russian attack on Ukraine’s South. Photo: Defence Forces of Ukraine's South

Russian forces launched attack drones through residential areas and industrial districts on the night of 9-10 March, complicating Ukrainian air defence forces' efforts.

Source: Defence Forces of Ukraine's South on Telegram

Details: In the operational area of the Defence Forces of Ukraine's South, air defence units were intensively repelling a Russian large-scale drone attack – coming from both the sea and the temporarily occupied part of Kherson Oblast – for over four and a half hours.

Aftermath of Russian attack

A total of 20 UAVs were destroyed, specifically 11 in Odesa Oblast, 6 in Mykolaiv Oblast, 2 in Kherson Oblast and 1 in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

Aftermath of Russian attack
Photo: Defence Forces of Ukraine's South

One of the drones hit the premises of an industrial facility in Odesa Oblast, damaging a building. Firefighters promptly put out the fire. No people were injured.

A loitering munition damaged a power line in Mykolaiv Oblast. Repairs are underway.

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