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Russia reduces attacks with Lancet UAVs because of explosion at its plant

Friday, 2 February 2024, 14:03
Russia reduces attacks with Lancet UAVs because of explosion at its plant
Photo: Getty Images

Forbes has calculated the use of Lancet kamikaze drones by Russia in 2023 and concluded that their production has fallen, which may be due to the explosion at the Zagorsk Optical-Mechanical Plant in Sergiyev Posad, Moscow Oblast, on 9 August 2023.

Source: Forbes

Details: Forbes noted that the Russians had used 126 Lancet drones in August, and in December 2023 already, the number of kamikaze drone strikes had dropped to 59.


"Rather than soaring Lancet production was slashed. Something happened in August which prevented ZALA from turning Lancet bodied into finished products [ZALA Aero Group is a Russian company specialising in the development of UAVs – ed.]," Forbes stated.

Forbes noted that the Lancet consists of imported components, including the engine and on-board electronics. The only elements produced by the Russians are the airframes, power units and cameras.

It is indicated that the explosion at the Zagorsk Optical-Mechanical Plant could have interrupted the supply of cameras for the kamikaze drones.

For reference: A Lancet is one of the main combat units used by the Russians at the front against Ukrainian armoured vehicles, air defence systems, radars, and more. As well as other ZALA AERO products.


  • On 9 August, an explosion occurred on the territory of the Zagorsk Optical-Mechanical Plant in Sergiyev Posad, Moscow Oblast. A strong blast wave shattered windows in nearby buildings. The explosion injured 43 people, completely destroyed four buildings and damaged 20 others.
  • Russian local authorities stated that the detonation took place in a pyrotechnics warehouse on the premises rented by Piro-Ross from the plant.
  • However, the company's director, Sergei Chankaev, denied this information, stating that the explosion did not occur in the pyrotechnics warehouse but in a neighbouring warehouse where metal pipes were stored and there were no combustible materials.
  • The Russian media outlet Agentstvo also reported that the Zagorsk Optical-Mechanical Plant in Moscow Oblast was involved in the development of a new generation stealth bomber.

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