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"Dead souls" being registered for Putin's elections in occupied territories

Wednesday, 31 January 2024, 17:17
Dead souls being registered for Putin's elections in occupied territories

The Russians have started registering voters for the so-called "elections of the President of Russia" in the occupied part of Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

Source: National Resistance Center of Ukraine

Quote: "People who intend to vote outside the borders of their region are being registered. In order to increase the turnout, the Russians are actively registering outsiders for the elections in the temporarily occupied regions."


Details: In addition, the occupiers are actively registering "dead souls" [people who have been dead for some time now – ed.] to demonstrate the legitimacy of these "elections" in the temporarily occupied territories. By doing this, the Russians hope to create an appearance of an 80% election turnout in the occupied regions.

Ukraine’s National Resistance Center is urging people to ignore the "elections" and not to open their doors to the Russian soldiers who will be going from house to house on "polling" days. The Center has also urged locals to report the members of "election committees" using this link.

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