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Russians want to increase number of law enforcers in occupied territories as passportisation is failing

Wednesday, 17 January 2024, 13:14
Russians want to increase number of law enforcers in occupied territories as passportisation is failing
Andrii Yusov. Photo:

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine has said that Russia is dissatisfied with the low level of passportisation of the Ukrainian population in temporarily occupied territories and their readiness for the presidential election, and therefore plans to increase the number of Russian Guard and secret services in temporarily occupied territories.

Source: Andrii Yusov, representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, at a press conference

Quote: "Despite the large contingent of the occupation army in occupied territories, the collaborators are asking to increase the number of the Russian Guard, the number of FSB representatives and secret services to control the local population."


Details: Yusov said that there are about 35,000 Russian Guard representatives in temporarily occupied territories alone, not counting representatives of the secret services.

Quote: "The level of passport registration is unsatisfactory throughout temporarily occupied territory, including certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts that have been occupied for a longer period of time."

More details: Yusov noted that the Kremlin is dissatisfied with the results of the passportisation process and is partially rotating and dismissing people responsible for these processes.

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