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New French Foreign Minister arrives in Kyiv

Saturday, 13 January 2024, 12:31
New French Foreign Minister arrives in Kyiv
Photo: Stéphane Séjourné on Twitter (X)

New French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Stéphane Séjourné arrived in Kyiv on the morning of 13 January.

Source: French Foreign Ministry, reported by European Pravda

Details: The French Foreign Ministry noted that Séjourné arrived in Ukraine "to continue French diplomatic efforts there and to reiterate France's commitment to its allies and civilians".


The French Foreign Minister is expected to meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy today.

Séjourné himself confirmed his arrival in Kyiv on Twitter (X), stressing that Ukraine has been "defending its sovereignty and ensuring the security of Europe" for almost two years.

"France's assistance is long-term. This is what I came to say during my first trip to Kyiv," he added.

Suspilne news outlet said that Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Séjourné paid tribute to the killed people at the Wall of Remembrance of those who died for Ukraine on Mykhailivska Square in the capital and laid flowers.

As reported, the visit of former Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna was originally planned, but reshuffles in the government changed the plans.

Background: This week, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the appointment of a new Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, following the resignation of his predecessor, Élisabeth Borne.

The day before, the Élysée Palace announced the composition of the new French government, in which most of the key ministers from the Borne government retained their positions, but the Foreign Minister was replaced.

Attal, who is France’s youngest-ever prime minister, has roots in the Ukrainian city of Odesa on his mother's side.

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