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Ukraine plans to set up shelter for people coming back through humanitarian corridor on Belarusian border

Saturday, 25 November 2023, 16:43
Ukraine plans to set up shelter for people coming back through humanitarian corridor on Belarusian border

Ukraine's Reintegration Ministry has considered arranging a place of temporary residence for people who entered Ukraine through the Makrany-Domanove humanitarian corridor on the Ukrainian border with Belarus.

Source: Ukraine's Reintegration Ministry, citing Iryna Vereshchuk, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories

Details: Vereshchuk chaired a meeting on bringing back Ukrainian citizens through the Makrany (Belarus) – Domanove (Ukraine) corridor.


Almost 6,000 people, including over 1,000 children, have crossed this humanitarian corridor to enter Ukraine since 24 February 2022.

A volunteer centre run by the community-based organisation Pluriton provides assistance at the border. People receive food, the opportunity to warm up, spend the night, etc. Bus routes have also been launched.

Vereshchuk noted that options for arranging temporary accommodation for people coming through the humanitarian corridor are currently under consideration.

"We need to combine our efforts to cover all the needs. First and foremost, we must resolve the issue of payments and temporary accommodation arrangements," she concluded.

Background: Earlier, Vereshchuk reported that two humanitarian corridors are operating in Sumy and Volyn oblasts, through which Ukrainian citizens can enter Ukraine.

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