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Army of Drones breaks record for defeating Russian artillery this week

Monday, 2 October 2023, 13:14
Army of Drones breaks record for defeating Russian artillery this week
WARMATE DRONS. PHOTO: The Army of Drones on Telegram

The Army of Drones project attacked a record number of Russian artillery this week.

Source: Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Innovation, Development of Education, Science and Technology and Minister of Digital Transformation, on Telegram

Quote: "The Army of Drones hit a record number of Russian artillery – [we've got their] report for the week (Army of Drones is a Ukrainian government initiative, a fundraising campaign aiming to purchase drones for the Defence Forces of Ukraine – ed.).


Now, the Russians are down by 69 guns and 17 self-propelled artillery systems. More damaged artillery means fewer shells at our military positions and front-line cities."

Details: Fedorov says that in total, drone operators hit 220 units of Russian equipment, including 33 tanks, 41 trucks and "a lot of other equipment."

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