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Fighter jet guarding Belarus for over six months crashes in Russia on Wednesday

Thursday, 21 September 2023, 17:31
Fighter jet guarding Belarus for over six months crashes in Russia on Wednesday

A Su-34 fighter jet, which crashed in Russia on Wednesday morning, spent seven months in Belarus before that.

Source: Belarusian project, which tracks the movement of Russian equipment in Belarus

Details: According to investigators, the Su-34 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces that crashed on Wednesday had the registration number RF-95806 and flight number 05. This fighter jet spent seven months in Belarus and, like all other Su-34s of the Russian Air Force, left the Baranavichy airfield on 5 August.


This fighter jet had also been spotted in Belarus before 2023. For example, in 2015, it was used for training at the Machulishchy airfield on the eve of the Victory Day parade [a Russian holiday that commemorates the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in 1945, celebrated on 9 May – ed.].



  • The fighter jet crashed on the morning of 20 September.
  • Russian mass media reported that the cause of the plane crash was the failure of the fighter jet's left landing gear.

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