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Member of influential Gaza Strip clan is killed in war against Ukraine

Tuesday, 15 August 2023, 17:13
Member of influential Gaza Strip clan is killed in war against Ukraine

For the first time, a member of one of the most influential clans in the Gaza Strip – Rami al-Farra – has died in the war against Ukraine.

Source: Radio Svoboda (Liberty)

Details: On 11 August, the website of the al-Farra clan, one of the most influential in the Gaza Strip, published news of the death of the "young man" Rami Haisam Musa al-Farra.

Radio Liberty journalists found out from Rami's father, Haisam, that he actually died in the war while fighting for Russia against Ukraine. He had not been mobilised but ended up there on his own initiative, having signed a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defence.

Рамі аль-Фарра на війні в Україні. Фото надане виданню
Rami al-Farra at war in Ukraine

This is the first known case of the death of a citizen of the partially recognised state of Palestine in the war in Ukraine, Radio Liberty reports. Sources in the Lebanese special services have previously reported on the recruitment of Palestinians to fight against Ukraine.

At the same time, according to unofficial data, up to 16 Israeli citizens fighting for the Ukrainian Armed Forces have died in Ukraine between the beginning of the Russian invasion and April 2023.

According to Radio Liberty, Rami al-Farra was born in Russia in October 1994. In 2000, his mother, a Russian citizen, sent him to live in Gaza, where his father was working at the time. Rami lived there until 2007, and after Hamas came to power in the Gaza Strip, the family evacuated to Russia.

Haisam says that Russian diplomats helped them leave. Rama had both Russian citizenship and a Palestinian passport.

Quote: "It appears from open sources that in 2011, four years after his return from Gaza, Rami enrolled as a fee-paying student at the Maykop branch of Bauman State Technical University at the local state technological university, where he studied customs affairs.

Photos from his university days are posted on his friends’ accounts. On Rami's Instagram there are also pictures taken during his military service – according to his father, al-Farra was drafted into the army in 2018 and ‘learned to be a sniper’...

The last photos he sent to his father were from Ukraine: Haisam al-Farra says that his son was engaged in ‘guarding troops who were demining territories somewhere near Bakhmut or in the Donetsk Republic [the so-called ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’ – ed.]’, and that he died on 5 August, ‘rescuing his wounded friends’.

Рамі аль-Фарра на війні в Україні. Фото надане виданню
Rami al-Farra at war in Ukraine

The body of the deceased, Haisam says, has already been brought to Kurganinsk, where he will be buried with military honours in the near future. According to his father, he was also informed that his son had been awarded ‘an order’ – he could not specify which one."

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