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Farewell to Dugina is turned into "we will defeat Ukraine" show in Moscow

Tuesday, 23 August 2022, 15:05
Farewell to Dugina is turned into we will defeat Ukraine show in Moscow


The Kremlin has turned the Moscow farewell to Darya Dugina, daughter of "Putin's ideologue" Aleksandr Dugin, into an event where attendees showed their loyalty to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his plans to destroy Ukraine.


Source: [Latvia-based Russian media outlet - ed.] Meduza ; Russian propaganda media; social media

Details: Leonid Slutsky, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs and LDPR [Liberal Democratic Party of Russia - ed.] leader, during his speech at the farewell ceremony uttered a slogan similar to the one used by the German Nazis. "One country. One president. One victory," he said [in Nazi Germany: "One people, one Reich, one Führer" - ed.]

He also proposed to name one of the streets after Dugina "in Kyiv liberated from Nazism".

Sergey Mironov, the leader of the pro-government Spravedlivaya Rossiya [Just Russia - ed.] party, also announced an "international tribunal" for those involved in Dugina's death. According to him, "fascism must be destroyed in its den, which today, unfortunately, is in Kyiv." In his opinion, the creators of this "fascism" are in Washington.

One of the main propagandists of the Kremlin, Dmitry Kiselev, who was present at the farewell, called for Russia to "become even stronger" after Dugina's death and "uncompromisingly denazify and demilitarise Ukraine" 

Dugina's father said that he taught his daughter that Russia is an empire. He also called for "Russian victory". In his words, "the biggest price that has to be paid can be justified only by victory."


  • On 20 August, a car driven by Darya Dugina exploded in flames not far from Moscow. Dugina was the daughter of "Putin’s Rasputin" Aleksandr Dugin and she wrote about politics for Tsargrad and RT, two Russian Kremlin-aligned media outlets.
  • The Office of the President of Ukraine denied any involvement of Kyiv in Dugina’s assassination.
  • Russian investigators believe that the car, where Darya Dugina was killed in an explosion, was blown up remotely. The FSB of the Russian Federation claimed that Ukrainian national Natalia Vovk, who allegedly served in Azov, was responsible for the explosion. The soldiers of the regiment denied this.
  • Oleksii Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, said that the murder of Darya Dugina, daughter of the Kremlin ideologue Aleksandr Dugin, was executed by Russian secret services and that Ukraine has nothing to do with it.

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