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Ukrainians are warned about new cyber-attack involving program that mentions Pivden (South) Operational Command

Wednesday, 20 July 2022, 16:58
Ukrainians are warned about new cyber-attack involving program that mentions Pivden (South) Operational Command
Photo: State Special Communications Service of Ukraine


Hackers have started to spread a dangerous file in Ukraine, Dopovid0507224.ppt, which contains a miniature image that mentions Pivden (South) Operational Command and leads to information theft when opened.

Source:  State Special Communications Service of Ukraine, on Telegram


Quote: "CERT-UA, the Ukrainian government cyber emergencies response team which operates within the State Special Communications Service of Ukraine, is warning the public about the spread of a dangerous file entitled Dopovid0507224.ppt. The file contains a miniature image which mentions Pivden Operational Command."

Details: When the file is opened, it activates Agent Tesla malware on your computer, which steals information.

Experts suggest that the cyber-attack is targeted at state organisations of Ukraine.

Background: Hackers involved in previous cyber-attacks on Ukraine sent out emails containing a malware program to state institutions on 7 July. The emails contained an attached Excel file with macros inside. When the macros were activated, a write.exe file was created and launched on the computer. 
