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The media receive copies of intercepted conversations between the Russian pilots who launched missiles on Ukraine on 25 June

Tuesday, 28 June 2022, 18:01
The media receive copies of intercepted conversations between the Russian pilots who launched missiles on Ukraine on 25 June


Belarusian journalist Anton Motolko has published the intercepted conversations between Russian military pilots and dispatchers on 25 June, when missiles were launched from the airspace of Belarus.

Source: Motolko Help Telegram channel 


Details: The Russian pilots are discussing how they are launching missiles from their planes on the territory of Ukraine.

They are also coordinating the missile launches and their course within the airspace of Belarus, first in the direction of the Ukrainian border, and then back to their bases at airfields in Russia.

The intercepted conversations are those of the pilots who flew Russian planes from the airfields in Seshcha [an air base near Dubrovka, Bryansk Oblast, Russia] and Shaykovka [an air base in Kaluga Oblast, Russia]. 

Thanks to the interception, during which the pilots state their coordinates, it is possible to determine the place and time of launch of various missiles.

In the attacks, the Russians used Tu-22M3 bombers that took off from the base in Shaykovka in the Kaluga region, and Su-34 and Su-35 fighters that took off from the Seshcha airfield in the Bryansk region.

They launched X-32 and X-59MK missiles at the territory of Lviv, Zhytomyr, Kyiv and Chernihiv oblasts.


  • On 25 June, three oblasts of Ukraine came under a massive missile strike from Belarus. In his evening address, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that on Saturday, 25 June, the Russians fired 45 missiles at various Ukrainian cities.
  • At around 6.30 am on 26 June, the Russian occupiers struck a residential building and a kindergarten in the Shevchenkivskyi district of the capital. One rocket was shot down in the sky over the Kyiv region. Rescuers on the spot pulled out an unconscious seven-year-old girl from under the rubble, and then her mother, who was covered with a concrete slab. The father of the girl died. The total number of casualties is six.
  • At about 11.30 am on 26 June, the Russians launched missile strikes on the Cherkasy and Chernihiv regions. An infrastructure facility near Cherkasy was damaged, one person was killed and five others were injured.
  • The New York Times showed the directions from which the Russians launched attacks on various cities of Ukraine on the weekend of 25 and 26 June – from the Caspian and Black Seas, as well as from planes in the sky over Belarus.
  • Forbes estimates that the total cost of the missiles that Russia launched in Ukraine on 25-26 June reaches $ 200 million.
