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Lukashenko believes "operation by Russians" in Ukraine is "dragging on"

Thursday, 5 May 2022, 14:41
Lukashenko believes operation by Russians in Ukraine is dragging on


The self-proclaimed president of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, has said he did not think that the Russian "special operation", as the Kremlin calls the war, would "drag on like this."

Source: Aleksandr Lukashenko in an interview with the Associated Press, "BELTA"


Quote from Lukashenko: "But I'm not so immersed in this problem as to say whether it's going according to plan there, with the Russians, like they say, or how I feel about it. I stress again: my feeling is that the operation has dragged on."

Details: Although Russia uses Belarusian territory to attack Ukraine, deploys military equipment there and provides medical treatment to its soldiers, Lukashenko assured that Belarus has done and is doing "everything to ensure that this war does not happen."

"We categorically reject any war," he said.

Lukashenko added that he was aware of what Russia was offering Ukraine, and the answer to why Ukraine was "not interested" in talks with Russia "can be found in Washington."
