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Prosecutors have identified the Russian commander responsible for the death of a child  in the Kharkiv region

Monday, 23 May 2022, 20:57
Prosecutors have identified the Russian commander responsible for the death of a child  in the Kharkiv region


A Russian commander who ordered the shelling in the Kharkiv region, which killed a child, has been identified.

Source: Prosecutor General Iryna Venedyktova on Facebook


Details: The commander of the 138th Separate Motorised Infantry Brigade of the 6th General Army of the Western Military District of the Russian Armed Forces, Maximov Sergei Viktorovich, is suspected of violating the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder.

Literally: "Prosecutors of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office and investigators of Security Service of Ukraine found that on 26 March the Russian commander ordered his subordinates to fire a heavy system of TOS-1 "Buratino" flamethrowers on the residential areas of Mala Rohan and Vilkhivka.

Fire with incendiary shells from the "Buratino" was aimed at residential houses. Maximov would have been certain that there were no military facilities there. In addition, the use of such weapons in civilian areas is generally prohibited by international law.

As a result of the attack, residential buildings, the Malorogan Lyceum and a dairy facility were damaged. A 13-year-old girl was injured in the shelling and died in hospital a few days later".

More details: According to Venedyktova, Colonel Maximov was born in Uzhhorod in Zakarpathia. In the Kharkiv region, he was in charge of fully-armed artillery and missile divisions.
